Network Devices (Hubs, Repeaters, Bridges, Switches, Switches, Routers, Gateways, and Brouters)

Network hardware, also known as networking hardware, is a physical device that allows for the establishment of connections and facilitates interaction between devices within a computer network.


Hubs are located in the OSI model's physical layer. Hubs are devices that connect multiple Ethernet devices to form a single network segment. There are multiple input and output ports. A signal that is introduced at any port's input will be reflected at every port, except the original incoming port.

The hub can handle both analog and digital data. Hubs don't perform any packet filtering or address function. Instead, they send data packets to all connected devices.


The OSI model has a data link layer that acts as a bridge. It can only read the packet's outmost hardware address, but not the IP address. To determine the destination of the message, it reads the last section of the data packet. It decreases traffic on other network segments. It doesn't send all packets. A bridge can also be programmed to reject packets coming from a specific network.


The OSI model may have switches that operate at one or more layers. They can operate at the network layer or data link layer. A multilayer switch is a device that simultaneously operates at multiple layers of the OSI model.

The errors can be checked by a Switch before the data is sent, making it more efficient and improving its performance.


A gateway is an internetworking that allows two networks to be joined using different base protocols.

A network gateway can either be entirely implemented in software or hardware depending on which protocols it supports.

Any OSI level can be used by a network gateway. A broadband router is typically used as the network gateway. However, ordinary computers can be configured to perform similar functions.


Brouters are a combination of a Bridge or Router. It performs the same functions as a router and bridge, and can be used at both the data link layer and the network layer of the OSI Model.

A Brouter is able to connect networks using different protocols.

You can program it to only work as a router or bridge.

It acts as a bridge and forwards data packets to the segment that is required using a particular protocol.

It is used as a router to route data packets to the correct network by using a protocol like IP.

Brouters are routers that have been set up. A bridge connects two LAN segments using the exact same protocol. A router is used to route packets within a network. Baby Aware Baby Dr Baby Own Baby Success Baby Enjoy Baby For Life Baby Guides Baby Power Baby Useful Baby Energise Baby Exciting Enjoy The Life Baby Baby Happy Baby For Life Invest Concept United Earners Stock Media City buys anything