Javascript Tips and Tricks to Optimize Performance

Optimized code is a combination smartly programmed logics with small hacks to maximize performance, speed, and save time.

These are some sweet JS tips and tricks for Javascript developers to optimize Javascript for better performance and faster execution without affecting server resources.

  1. Use the Array Filter

This is a simple hack to remove a bucket of elements from an array pool. This creates an array with all elements that have passed a test (provided in a function). Create a callback function to handle non-required elements according to the requirement.

  1. String replace function is used to replace all values

String.replace() allows you to replace strings with String and Regex.

This function simply replaces the string at its initial occurrence. To replace all strings using the replaceAll() function, you can use /g at end of Regex

  1. Use console for debugging and breakpoints

Breakpoints and debugging points allow you to set up multiple barriers that can be used to correct errors at each barrier.

Console can be used to check the output of different values and determine what dynamic values are generated.

  1. Convert floating number to a value without sacrificing performance

Math.floor, math.ceil, and math.round are all used to eliminate decimals. Instead of using them, "~~" can be used to remove decimals from a value.

It can also be used to increase performance for micro optimizations within a code.

  1. Use length to delete empty from an array

This will allow you to resize and empty an array.

array.length is used to delete n elements from an Array.

This technique is preferred over all other methods of resizing/unsetting array elements. It is one of the most popular javascript practices that most developers follow.

  1. Merging arrays with no server load

Use Array.concat() if you need to merge two arrays.

To merge two arrays

This function is best used with small arrays.

We use this method to combine large arrays.

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